About me

My name is Nick Doran.
I am an inquisitive, analytical, adventurous individual with a deep curiosity for language, society, culture, cognition, power, people, and landscapes outside my comfort zone. I have PhD in Critical Discourse Analysis: broadly speaking this is field of enquiry which looks at the social and cognitive pressures that shape, and are shaped by the language we use and how it enacts and maintains power inequalities. I have lectured for six years at third level in Ireland and South Korea in Communications, Media,  and Linguistics. I am passionate about equality, fairness, and human rights.  Surrounding myself with different societies and cultures, usually either in my kayak or on my bicycle, helps drive my curiosity. I advocate and fund raise for causes that I believe in. Most recently my wife and I cycled from South Korea to Ireland, a journey of 15,000km over 9 months, raising 25,000 for Jigsaw and youth mental health. 

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